The College recognizes three broad areas of faculty endeavor: teaching, scholarship, and service, and expects that ALL faculty members will be active in each of these areas.
Teaching is a core activity of the College and all faculty members are expected to achieve excellence in this role. Teaching includes not only traditional classroom, laboratory and studio instruction, but may also include service-learning courses, evolving forms of technology-enhanced instruction such as hybrid, online, distance learning courses, competency based learning, and other non-classroom instruction such as the supervision of interns/co-op students and clinical students. The following provides a list of the essential expectations in teaching:
1. Remain current with methods and developments in the content area.
2. Possess the expertise to deliver courses in multiple formats; face-to-face, online, hybrid
3. Utilize current technologies to support teaching;
4. Complete delegated teaching assignment in accordance with guidelines for teaching format.
5. Meet all class, office and college commitments.
6. Participate in the development of a cohesive general education program and/or career and technical program. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Establish a representative program advisory board and respond to recommendations.
b. Ensure an ongoing process of curriculum evaluation.
c. Network with adjunct and concurrent faculty to ensure consistency in curriculum through department meetings, peer mentoring visits, discipline meetings etc.
7. Evidence a commitment to the assessment of student learning. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Follow assessment activity timeline/deadlines.
b. Incorporate assessment activities in the instructional content.
c. Facilitate collaboration among all faculty (full-time, adjunct, and concurrent) teaching in the program/course to ensure course content and embedded assessments are consistent.
8. Evidence a commitment to ongoing program evaluation.
a. Annual review of Annual Key Performance Indicator Review document.
b. Participate in compiling Comprehensive Program Review packets.
c. Participate in compiling accreditation packets.
d. Review of annual Common Learning Outcomes dashboards.
9. Maintain a classroom environment that supports retention and completion. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Utilize instructional methods that require student engagement and collaboration.
b. Provide feedback, assessments and grades according to prescribed guidelines.
c. Ensure the classroom environment provides respect for diversity and individual viewpoints.
d. Emphasize to all classes the importance of prompt and regular class attendance.
e. Provide persistent outreach to students not attending class or meeting class requirements.
f. Initiate referrals for identified at-risk student behaviors.
10. Assist in the placement and success of students. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Incorporate authentic learning into courses and programs.
b. Engage with students in co-curricular activities.
c. Reinforce career pathway leading to workforce placement and/or transfer upon graduation.
Faculty members are expected to engage in scholarly activity to enhance teaching effectiveness and facilitate life-long learning. The definition of scholarship at NICC is:
Discipline- or pedagogy- based inquiry, creative expression, or applied work experience that expands, enhances, or applies knowledge.
11. Maintain credentials and expertise in accordance with college guidelines and accreditation standards. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Meet requirements of Quality Faculty Plan.
b. Remain current with methods and developments in the content area.
c. Maintain technical competencies related to area of instruction.
d. Incorporate current technology practices into the classroom.
Faculty members are expected to engage in activities at the department level that contribute to meeting the mission of the College. Faculty members are expected to contribute their disciplinary expertise through participation in internal and external community organizations relevant to their discipline of study.
12. Comply with State and Federal Guidelines. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Record daily student attendance in the learning management system.
b. Submit accurate grades in accordance with prescribed guideline.
c. Provide accommodations as identified by Disability Services.
d. Maintain student privacy in accordance with professional and/or legal standards.
13. Participate in program orientations, promotion and recruiting/enrollment events. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Recruit program students.
b. Engage with pre-program students.
c. Participate in on-campus orientation and promotional events.
d. Participate in off-campus job fairs, high school and/or community events.
14. Contribute as a member of the College community. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
a. Complete student advising, registration and/or mentoring activities as assigned.
b. Engage with students using different modalities when off campus. Virtually, phone, text, etc.
c. Attend and participate in all faculty meetings.
d. Attend and participate in all program advisory meetings.
e. Attend and participate in all statewide workgroups relevant to assigned programs.
f. Serve on at least one college committee or student organization annually.
g. Carry out assigned responsibilities in alignment with the College conduct code.
h. Maintain accountability, efficiency, and proactive utilization of program and college resources.
15. Perform additional duties as assigned.